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星期四, 5月 17, 2007





尺寸係92 cm, 92cm, 36cm
36.1/4 寸, 36.1/4寸,14寸

期待假期ing的我留 (p.s. 應該搵到package吧)

星期二, 5月 08, 2007


我那部過時的老爺機終於退役啦,同時也回歸NOKIA的懷抱,SONY ERICSSON之QC實在不敢恭維......


當然十分愉快吧,哪有不愉快的道理 :)

星期四, 5月 03, 2007


其實最近總算十分不錯吧,放棄了苦心經營的大航海online game,把賬號借給了網友;把心血都放在更重要的事,也沒什麼大煩惱。然而今天晚上明明很累,卻又不捨得去睡,明早起床應該又再後悔自己怎麼昨晚不睡多一點,帶著”人家覺得我很累"(但自己其實一點也不累)的面容上班。歸根究底,是總覺得需要整理一下一天所做的事情吧,而到最後又會不知不覺的拖拖拉拉到夜深,享受那種寧靜的感覺。若沒有一刻寧靜,一早起來又上班,總會覺得缺點東西。


Bring It All Back

Name: Bring It All Back
Artists: S Club 7

按此聽歌 (大陸網,可能不太流暢)

Don't stop, never give up,
Hold your head high
and reach the top.
Let the world see what you have got,
Bring it all back to you.

Hold on to what you try to be,
Your individuality.
When the world is on your shoulders,
Just smile and let it go.

If people try to put you down,
Just walk on by, don't turn around,
You only have to answer to yourself.

Don't you know it's true what they say,
That life, it ain't easy,
But your time's coming around,
So don't you stop trying.

Don't stop, never give up,
Hold your head high
and reach the top.
Let the world see what you have got,
Bring it all back to you.

Dream of falling in love,
Anything you've been thinking of,
When the world seems to get too tough,
Bring it all back to you.

Na na na X 1
Try not to worry 'bout a thing,
Enjoy the good times life can bring.
Keep it all inside you,
Gotta let the feelings show.

Imagination is the key,
Cause you are your own destiny.
You never should be lonely,
When time is on your side.

Don't you know it's true what they say,
Things are sent to try you,
But your time's coming around,
So don't you stop trying.


Na na na X 2

Don't you know it's true what they say,
Things happen for a reason,
But you're time's coming around,
So don't you stop trying.

Chorus X 3


